MURDERED: Beth Buege

On an unseasonably chilly morning on June 3, 1990, a man tapped on the door of an unfamiliar car parked in front of his home in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Through the window, he could see a blonde woman in the passenger seat slumped over toward the driver’s side of the car. He assumed she was drunk and passed out, but when he opened the car door to wake her up, he quickly realized that she was dead.

Rattled, he quickly closed the door and immediately called the police.

The woman was later identified as 21-year-old Beth Buege. Born and raised in Milwaukee, she worked in a jewelry store and was an aspiring model.

More than 30 years later, her killer has never been caught. And her family still seeks justice.

Photo of Beth

Beth’s Mercury Laser

photo via Paula Zahn


If you have any information on the murder of Beth Buege call The Milwaukee Police Department at (414) 933-4444 or call the Cold Case Unit, (414) 935-1212.


UNSOLVED: Brandy Lynn Meyers
